Covid-19 Continued Protocols
My education in pre-veterinary science has always informed my cleaning protocols. Safe, smart, effective cleaning and sanitizing procedures have always been critical to business operations. We will continue those procedures as well as add some new ones based on science, and in line with government recommendations:
- Ask all clients to sign a document attesting that their dog has not been in contact with anyone with an active COVID-19 infection. Download Form
- Staff temperature will be checked at the start of each shift.
- Staff will wear face coverings and wash hands before interacting with clients.
- No leashes will be taken into the facility.
- One client at a time permitted in the lobby. Please remain in your car until it’s your turn to enter.
- While there is no evidence that dogs can transmit the virus via their fur, we will take the extra step to wipe each dog down with Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide wipes.
Please pre-schedule your daycare appointment so we can better manage access controls. We appreciate your accommodation to the new safety measures and are full-body tail-waggin excited to see your pups again!

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